Interested in finding out how to become BIM Accredited?

Book an appointment with our expert today

Book your appointment to find out how to become BIM accredited

BIM Accreditation and Certification is becoming more prominent across the industry, resulting in an increase of requests by client organisations from their suppliers.

If you have an interest in understanding the LRQA (previously Lloyd's Register) scheme and its benefits, we would like to offer you a free 30-minute virtual meeting with our Principal Consultant Daryn Fitz, to discuss areas such as:

  • The process
  • The benefits
  • What happens during the gap analysis
  • What's involved at the full assessment
  • What you need to put in place to be successful

Come to this session with any questions you may have, and Daryn will provide you with some suggestions and guidance to help you make an informed decision and understand the scheme.

Book your appointment by completing the enquiry form*.

*Appointments are subject to availability.