The benefits of monitoring your software licence usage | The possible issues if you don’t
It’s common for organisations to lose track of what licences they have for what software, and who the users are, or are supposed to be. Yet precision in managing licences can bring enormous benefits to any business.
In our upcoming webinar on Wednesday 22nd February at 11am, Craig Schonborn, Client Success Manager, and Jeremy Vessey, IT Solutions Consultant from Symetri, will be discussing:
- Why licence monitoring is important
- How organisations currently keep track? Why they're getting it wrong?
- An introduction to Symetri’s licence monitoring solution, CQFlexMon
- Which software it monitors
- The types of reports/information it generates
- How it can help you make informed decisions on single licences, collections and Autodesk Flex Tokens
- The potential to save money on unused licences
- The ability to plan for training requirements.
Come to this webinar with any questions you have about software licence monitoring.