Intelligent Information Management Solution
Repository Neutral
Built-in artificial intelligence
No more content chaos
See information in context automatically, regardless of its system of origin. There is no need to worry about data migration - keep everything exactly where it is and access it instantly.
Support your whole business
M-Files boosts office productivity in a unique way. Automate core business processes and workflows to ensure you never miss important deadlines or mandatory approvals.
Cloud, on-premises, or hybrid - get it your way, and use with any device
M-Files is platform and device independent. No matter your preference in setting up your IT environment, M-Files can be installed in the cloud, on-premises, or as a hybrid solution, making your organisation cloud ready from the get go. Furthermore, M-Files offers one common user interface regardless of the device you use, so you can work anytime, anywhere, and with any device.
Extend the power of M-Files to other business applications
M-Files allows people to continue working with their existing systems, using the UI of those applications to access and manage information for maximum efficiency and control. This includes Teams, SharePoint Online, Salesforce and Google G Suite.
M-Files Apps
If you work within the Building & Infrastructure industry, take a look at the tailored add-ons we have created for M-Files below:
Dynamo Package
DWG Processor
Extranet Uploader
Contact us
Please submit your enquiry here and a member of our team will get in touch.
Alternatively call 0345 370 1444