The architect company A-lab solved a complex construction with BIM


Advanced BIM modeling made it possible to construct a 65.000/117.000 m2 commercial building complex, the Statoil building at Fornebu, Norway, in only 20 months on site.

Thanks to thorough planning, advanced BIM-modeling and a fruitful solution-oriented dialogue, the team behind the realisation of this project - the client and owner, construction companies, all subcontractors and last but not least the architects from A-Lab along with their trusted BIM advisors from Symetri, were able to complete the complex design of the Statoil construction on schedule. Initially, when the A-Lab team started designing and planning the Statoil building, it was still in the early days of BIM management. However, the BIM manager and architect at A-Lab, Angie Arroyo Mendez, saw no other way than to start working with BIM using IFC.


  • Implementation of BIM / IFC – upgrading from ACAD
  • Development of methodology


  • Customised solution with Naviate add-on to Revit
  • Coaching and teaching of new methodology
  • Solibri – visualising 


  • Challenging questions are answered with high end solutions
  • Through discussions with skilled people, we learn something new all the time
  • Consultancy made the further development possible = time saving procedures
  • A-lab saved 10% of the costs on site by fixing the problems virtually in Solibri
  • A support team on a Scandinavian level yet close to Autodesk makes a difference

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