Product information management took a new step forward with Vault-Sovelia solution

The introduction of the new ERP-system operated as a driver for acquiring a PLM solution.
Metos Group manufactures and markets professional kitchen equipment from the brands Metos, Hackman and Wexiödisk. Metos is the market leader in the Nordic and Baltic countries as well as in the Benelux countries. Metos is a member in the ALI group, which is Europe’s leading manufacturer of professional kitchen equipment. Metos offers kitchen solutions thought out from start to finish. The planning starts from the recipes and kitchen design, and Metos’ in-house made and trading products are used in the implementation. After sales take care of maintenance and spare parts.
”In the past, the designer made drawings of the parts for production and DXF files for cutting. Now the drawings produced by the designers are created into the necessary file formats automatically. This reduces the risk of errors significantly. When parts are added to the assembly within Inventor, a bill of material is created to Sovelia automatically. The drawings made in the design phase are managed in Autodesk Vault and after the design is completed the product is approved for production in Sovelia. This is to ensure that the BOM’s and items are transferred to the ERP in a controlled way."
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