Find the key to blended learning

7 Ways the Pinnacle Series e-Learning Solution Supports Your Corporate Training Programme

Today's fast-paced, ever-changing architecture, engineering, and construction industries demand an approach to training that balances online and in-person instruction and naturally incorporates learning into employees' workdays instead of the other way around.

While that may seem like a tall order, a robust e-learning solution is key to supporting your corporate training strategy and helping employees find the answers and training they need on their own time. The Pinnacle Series e-learning solution does just that, with a variety of features and in-depth learning libraries to help support all of your internal training goals.

Here are just a few of the ways you can leverage Pinnacle Series to support your corporate learning strategy: 

  1. Host & archive live training sessions.
  2. Tailor personalised learning plans to target skills gaps.
  3. Document and track all outside or offline training with External Learning Tracking.
  4. Allow for on-demand, on-the-go learning.
  5. Create custom content.
  6. Store documents & standards for easy, fast access.
  7. Get user input through social features.

Read on to learn more about each of these Pinnacle Series features and how they can help take your learning programme to the next level.


Host & archive live training sessions

Blended learning, a hybrid approach that combines online training with live, educator-led sessions, is a powerful strategy to help improve employee learning retention and engagement. 

Pinnacle Series offers the ability to host live training sessions of your own within the platform, giving your team an option for learning beyond typical online training. And the learning doesn't have to stop when your event does — you can archive your session so employees can revisit it whenever they want.


Tailor personalised learning plans to target skills gaps

So often, valuable training time at AEC organisations is spent using one-size-fits-all programmes that retrain employees on skills they already know. Instead, take a targeted approach with a personalised learning plan to fill employees' skills gaps — not rehash the knowledge they already have.

Pinnacle Series offers an integration with the KnowledgeSmart assessment system, which allows employees to assess their skills and receive a targeted plan with suggested Pinnacle Series learning content to help them brush up on any areas where they need improvement. With KnowledgeSmart, time is only spent training on what employees need to learn, so they can get to the work that really matters faster.


Document and track all outside or offline training with External Learning Tracking

Any well-rounded business learning strategy should include occasional external educational events, such as webinars, trade shows, or in-person training courses. The key is being able to track that learning, so managers can easily see which employees have completed external training and how it factors into their internal efforts.

Pinnacle Series recently rolled out an External Learning Tracking feature, which relies on your businesses' organisational structure for permissions and includes end-user submission and an approval and denial process. This way, employees can submit any external learning activities they've completed, and managers can decide if and how that can contribute to their overall learning progress.


Allow for on-demand, on-the-go learning

A successful business learning programme is one that works with your employees' schedules, not against them. One way to do this is to provide learning resources that are available on demand, to quickly answer employees' questions and allow them to get back to work.

In Pinnacle Series, in addition to full training courses and learning paths, users can pull up short videos, workflows, and documents so learning on the go can become a natural part of their workday.


Create custom content 

Your AEC business is unlike any other one out there — and your learning content should be too! Another way to strengthen your corporate learning programme is by weaving in workflows, standards, best practices, and other critical information that's specific to your teams and the work they do.

The Pinnacle Series e-learning system supports this with a custom content feature, allowing you to make changes to existing content or upload completely custom resources to make the platform your own.


Store documents & standards for easy, fast access

With thousands of expert-created learning content and your own tailored content stored in one place, Pinnacle Series can serve as your organisation's single source of truth, and one-stop shop for everything your teams need to do their jobs successfully.

Storing everything in one easy-to-find platform with a robust search function, like Pinnacle Series, also increases the chance that your team will actually seek out and use these resources, in turn maximising the usage of your technology investments.


Get user input through social features

The best corporate learning programme is one that takes the opinions of the people participating in it into account, and allows them to connect about the topics they're learning. 

With Pinnacle Series social features, including comments, liking, and sharing, employees can give feedback on custom content, share content within their team, discuss questions or issues under a particular workflow, or simply show appreciation for a resource with a quick like.

With these end-user features and comprehensive content libraries, Pinnacle Series can serve as your partner in building out a robust corporate learning programme that will make a difference at your organisation.



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